Dept. of Energy Systems ♦ University of Thessaly • Gaiopolis Campus • Larissa •

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Course details are provided in the official UTH e-class website.

1st Year
1st Semester 2nd Semester
ΜΣΕ1110 Maths I ΜΣΕ1210 Maths II
ΜΣΕ1120 Physics ΜΣΕ1220 Chemistry of Energy Systems
ΜΣΕ1130 Computer Programming I ΜΣΕ1230 Computer Programming II
ΜΣΕ1140 Introduction to Energy Systems ΜΣΕ1240 Thermodynamics
ΜΣΕ1150 Technical Drawing ΜΣΕ1250 Technology of Materials
    ΜΣΕ1260 Technical Documents in English
2nd Year
3rd Semester 4th Semester
ΜΣΕ2310 Theory of Probabilies and Statistics ΜΣΕ2410 Systems for Electrochemical Power
ΜΣΕ2320 Electric Circuits ΜΣΕ2420 Heat Transfer
ΜΣΕ2330 Energy Measurements ΜΣΕ2430 Turbomachinery
ΜΣΕ2340 Fluid Mechanics ΜΣΕ2440 Electrical Machines and Motors
ΜΣΕ2350 Technical Mechanics ΜΣΕ2450 Automatic Control Systems
3rd Year
5th Semester 6th Semester
ΜΣΕ3510 Energy Conversion and Storage ΜΣΕ3610 Artificial Intelligence in Energy Systems
ΜΣΕ3515 Laws, Hydgene and Safety at Work ΜΣΕ3615 Introudction to Energy Finances
Optional Courses (4)
ΜΣΕ3520 Heating, Cooling and Air-conditioning ΜΣΕ3620 Environmental Protection - Studies of Environmental Impact
ΜΣΕ3525 Internal Combustion Machines ΜΣΕ3625 Radiation and Applications
ΜΣΕ3530 Electric Facilities ΜΣΕ3630 Mineral Fuels and  Natural Gas Technologies
ΜΣΕ3535 Power plants ΜΣΕ3635 Hybrid Energy Systems
ΜΣΕ3540 Wind Energy ΜΣΕ3640 Solar and Geothermal Energy Systems
ΜΣΕ3545 Reliability and Maintenance of Energy Systems ΜΣΕ3645 Photovoltaic Systems
ΜΣΕ3550 Power Electronics ΜΣΕ3650 Zero Energy Consumption Buildings
ΜΣΕ3555 Numerical Analysis of Structures and Energy Systems ΜΣΕ3655 Battery Technologies
4th Year
7th Semester 8th Semester
No compolsory courses ΜΣΕ4800 Thesis
Optional Courses (6) Optional Courses (2)
ΜΣΕ4710 Technical and Financial Analysis of Energy Systems ΜΣΕ4815 Networks for Trasport and Distribution of Electric Energy
ΜΣΕ4715 Power Systems for Vehicles ΜΣΕ4820 Nuclear Energy
ΜΣΕ4720 Energy Policies ΜΣΕ4825 Study and Design of Energy Systems using Computers
ΜΣΕ4725 Smart Control ΜΣΕ4830 Nanotechnology
ΜΣΕ4730 Advanced Reustodynamic Machines ΜΣΕ4835 Advanced Sensor Technologies
ΜΣΕ4735 Energy Saving ΜΣΕ4840 Enegry Systems in Agriculture
ΜΣΕ4740 Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology    
ΜΣΕ4745 Total Quality Management    
ΜΣΕ4750 Biomass and Biofuel    
ΜΣΕ4755 Wave, Tidal and Oceanic Energy    
ΜΣΕ4760 Innovation and Enterpreneuship    

Thematic Sections


Thematic Section 1: Systems for Thermal Energy

  1. Heating - Cooling - Air-conditioninng
  2. Intenal Combusion Engines
  3. Power Plants
  4. Numerical Analysis of Structures and Energy Systems
  5. Radiation and Applications
  6. Mineral Fuel and Natural Gas Technologies
  7. Solar & Geothermal Systems
  8. Zero Energy Consumption Buildings
  9. Battery Technologies
  10. Power Saving
  11. Biomass and Biofuel
  12. Nuclear Energy
  13. Study and Design of Energy Systems using Computer
  14. Nanotechnology
  15. Advanced Sensor Technologies

Thematic Section 2: Systems for Electric Energy

  1. Electric Facilities
  2. Power Plants
  3. Wind Energy
  4. Reliability and Maintenance of Energy Systems
  5. Power Electronics
  6. Numerical Analysis of Structures and Energy Systems
  7. Photovoltaic Systems
  8. Battery Technologies
  9. Smart Control
  10. Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technolgy
  11. Electric Motion
  12. Networks for Transport and Distribution of Electric Energy
  13. Study and Design of Energy Systems using Computer
  14. Andvanced Sensor Technologies

Thematic Section 3: Systems for Renewable Energy Sources

  1. Wind Energy
  2. Power Electronics
  3. Environmental Protection - Studies of Environmental Impact
  4. Solar and Geothermal Energy Systems
  5. Photovoltaic Systems
  6. Zero Energy Consumption Buildings
  7. Battery Technologies
  8. Technical and Financial Analysis of Energy Systems
  9. Advanced Reustodynamic Machines
  10. Power Saving
  11. Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology
  12. Biomass and Biofuel
  13. Wave, Tidal and Oceanic Energy
  14. Study and Design of Energy Systems using Computer
  15. Nanotechnology

Thematic Section 4: Vehicle Technology

  1. Internal Combustion Engines
  2. Power Electronics
  3. Environmental Protection - Studies of Environmental Impact
  4. Mineral Fuel and Natural Gas Technologies
  5. Hybrid Systems
  6. Battery Technologies
  7. Power Systems for Vehicles
  8. Smart Control
  9. Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology
  10. Electric Motion
  11. Networks for Transport and Distribution of Electric Energy
  12. Study and Design of Energy Systems using Computer
  13. Andvanced Sensor Technologies

Thematic Section 5: Energy Infrastructre

  1. Heating, Cooling and Air-conditioning
  2. Electric Facilities
  3. Power Plants
  4. Wind Energy
  5. Reliability and Maintenance of Energy Systems
  6. Numarical Analysis of Structures and Energy Systems
  7. Solar & Geothermal Energy Systems
  8. Photovoltic Systems
  9. Zero Energy Consumption Buildings
  10. Technical and Financial Analysis of Energy Systems
  11. Energy Saving
  12. Wave, Tidal and Oceanic Energy
  13. Networks for Transport and Distribution of Electric Energy
  14. Nuclear Energy
  15. Study and Design of Energy Systems using Computer
  16. Nanotechnology
  17. Energy Systems in Agriculture

Thematic Section 6: Energy Management

  1. Law, Hydgene and Safety at Work
  2. Reliability and Maintenance of Energy Systems
  3. Environmental Protection - Studies of Environmental Impact
  4. Radiation and Applications
  5. Hybrid Systems
  6. Bettery Technologies
  7. Energy Policies
  8. Technical and Financial Analysis of Energy Systems
  9. Energy Saving
  10. Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology
  11. Total Quality Management
  12. Innovation and Enterpreneuship